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 Probability of Destruction and Hope
(Official Video)

Music Video: Philippe Léonard (Member of Godspeed You! Black Emperor etc, as visual producer and live performance. 16mm film video artist.)

Godspeed You! Black Emperorのショーなどで活躍する16mmフィルムを使用した作品が特徴のメディアアーティストPhilippe Léonard制作。


Guest: Eric Jernigan ( ROSETTA / ) : Vocal and Lyrics


"Antinomy" - Live at WildSide Tokyo - 2020-08-23

Boundary of Reality and Fiction

"Boundary of Reality and Fiction" 

Live at WildSide Tokyo on 23rd August 2020.


 "Circulation" - Live at WildSide Tokyo - 2020

In the Wind

 "In the Wind" - Live at WildSide Tokyo - 2020-08-23

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