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'08年1月  スウェーデンのプログレッシブバンド"ANEKDOTEN"の来日公演サポートを代官山UNITにて務める。
'08年8月  ディスクユニオンのレーベルよりニューアルバム"Blinds"全国発売。
'08年12月  プログレ界屈指のレーベル、フランスMUSEA RECORDSからヨーロッパを中心に世界12ヶ国で発売開始。
'09年7月  台湾U LOUD MUSIC(MONO、envyなどもリリース)より台湾盤を新たにプレスし、リリース。
'09年7月  台湾台北The WALLにて台湾盤"Blinds"発売記念ライブを行う。
'10年1月  フランス、ベルギーツアー敢行。
'10年7月  フランスから"MYCIAA"を迎え東京公演連続3日間自主企画で全オーガナイズ。
'12年6月  突然の活動休止から1年半の時を経てメンバー編成、楽曲を新たに活動開始。
'13年5月  オーストラリアツアー(Sydney,Melbourne)敢行。現地ポストロックバンドLaura等と共演。
'15年10月  3rdアルバム"All Creation Mourns"フランスのレーベルよりリリース。
'17年7月  中国ツアー(北京, 杭州, 長沙, 広州, 深セン)敢行。
'17年11月  フランスツアー(Paris, Bordeaux, Limoges, Caen)敢行。
'18年10月  フランスのドゥームメタルバンド"MONOLITHE"を日本に招致、ツアーオーガナイズし、自主企画イベントを開催。
'19年9月  海外アーティストをゲストに迎え、4thアルバム"Absence of Objective World "を9月7日にリリース。 
'20年2月  ヨーロッパツアー(Germany, France, Spain全8箇所)敢行。

'22年10月   日伊3バンド kokeshi + ['selvə] + Presence of Soul スプリット"Immagine Residua" リリース。

◆ WEB音楽情報サイト-"Grumble Monster" Yukiのロングインタビュー結成からの話、アルバム"All Creation Mourns" リリースについての経緯や想いなどが掲載されています。

Japanese group PRESENCE OF SOUL is led by a female singer and composer YUKI, who also handles guitar and keyboard. She is accompanied by two guitar players, a bass player and a drummer. The band played as a support act for the swedish musician "ANEKDOTEN" during their 2008 shows in Japan. From the very beginning, PRESENCE OF SOUL proved their absolute innovativion and matureness. Ethereal female vocal creates a sharp contrast with furious guitars and powerful drum. Gloomy atmosphere and great sense of slowliness (Without mentioning softness) evolving step by step with surging violence, reaching to its climax to the overwhelming maelstrom. You will surely be haunted for a long time after the listen...
They are skeptic towards the current music scene and the way venues are ran in Japan, thus they began looking abroad for new horizon where they could make music in a way that feels natural. Album "Blinds" was released through French progressive music label, Musea Records in December 2008, which was distributed in 12 countries including Europe, USA, and South America. This album was later released in Taiwanese version through "U LOUD MUSIC" label in July 2009, then played a special show in Taipei as a release tour. On January 2010, they went to go on an Europe tour to France and Belgium.

Two years later, they went through a line-up change and remaked all their songs. They also began incorporating visual images into their live performance. On the 2013 tour of Australia, after a show in Sidney, they co-starred an appearance in Melbourne with locally renowned post-rock band Laura. At these shows, they distributed limited-edition demo CDs. Then 3rd album "All Creation Mourns" was released (Vinyl and digital) in October 2015.
They went on a China tour and a French tour in 2017.
In 2018, They invited the French Funeral Doom band "MONOLITHE" to Japan and held a event for them in Tokyo.
Then they released a new album in September 2019.
And they went on a European tour (8 locations in 4 countries) in 2020.
It was released a 3-way split entitled "Immagine Residua" on CD/DIGITAL on 21st October 2022.

Long Interview:

Yuki and Yoshi had an interview about our new album (in English). We hope you enjoy it.


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